About CRaig
Or more than you really wanted to know...

Flourishing within a family that had a thirst to explore the world was mesmerizing. My earliest memories of exotic islands, camping in the wilderness of Canada, or rock climbing in Scotland instilled within me a passion for adventure. Exploring medieval castles ignited my interests in history, folklore and fantasy. Watching the flying boats take off from the bay in St. Croix gave me my life long obsession with aviation. Add all of those ingredients into the shaker containing my true loves– the film–theater and prop industry, stir well, and pour the cocktail that is my life as an artist/painter/maker.
Majoring in Film with a Sculpture and Fine Arts minor at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1991. I went on to work professionally in the theater and film industries for many years afterward, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Like most aspiring prop makers, as a child I started crafting laser guns from toilet paper tubes and was fortunate to have grown up in our family hardware store. There, I had access to as much duct tape, paint and thingamajigs as I desired. Then, at the age of 9 my fate as a maker was sealed when my father and cousin created a full scale operational Colonial Viper cockpit for my twin sister and me. Fast forward , I have had many fantastic experiences… working as a stage manager for a touring theatrical group, on set at Todd- A O studios in Manhattan and a magical day in Jim Henson’s Creature shop to name just a few. However, it was the years I spent working as an independent artist that offered me the most opportunities.
Having relocated to the east valley of Phoenix, I opened my studio as an aviation artist, freelance prop and set designer and professional painter/ finisher. When not occupied with my art you’d find me painting general aviation airplanes for a composite aircraft builder, restoring antique radios and furniture or working on set for independent filmmakers. However, it was the success of my aviation art that truly defined my early career. My work was featured in many publications such as Flying Magazine, Aviation Illustrated, Aviation Art, Flight Journal and Playboy, to name but a few. My artwork’s exposure within these publications coupled with my success at dozens of aviation venues opened the door to become an artist member of the American Society of Aviation Artists . Many of my works were commissioned for airports and museums around the world including a piece for San Francisco International Airport’s Pan American Airways historical display, a custom hull section for the U.S. Air Force to display in the Officer’s Club, and one of my pieces even found a home at the Smithsonian’s Udvar-Hazy Center. I am most proud to have been invited as a feature artist at The Stokes Collection Gallery in Carmel, California .
Moving back east be closer to my family, I found myself working back in a very similar field as the theatrical world, the trade show exhibit industry. I channel my creative energy daily as the Finishing department head at one of the most respected exhibit houses in the world . We create the industry’s largest and most exotic exhibits, events and environments. New and exciting challenges await with each new project. I use my decades long expertise and versatility as a professional painter in more ways than I could have ever imagined . Automotive , furniture, scenic art, foam carving, restorations, sign painting and so much more, I am fortunate to never be bored and consistently advance my knowledge base and hands-on experience.
While my career keeps me busy, and fulfills me in its own way, I remain focused on what is utterly important to me. Crafting new ideas, sculptures, props and art. Fulfilling my incessant need to create and my drive to share it all with you.
Born and raised in Central Jersey, I now reside in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley.