F4F-4 Wildcat


Major Joe Foss was amongst the best known fighter Aces of the Second World War. An accomplished Marine Corps aviator, Major Foss was awarded the Medal of Honor for his role as an air combat pilot during the Guadalcanal campaign. 

Major Foss furthered his career with a litany of other accomplishments after the war. He was a State Representative, the youngest Governor of South Dakota, had  a long television career and was the first Commissioner of the American Football League to name but a few.

I met Major Foss while doing research at the former Champlain Fighter Museum at Falcon Field airport in Mesa Arizona. It was one of my favorite haunts as I had lived just a mile away at the time, and spent most of my spare time there.

While staring rather intently at the museum’s Wildcat, and doing some sketches,  a shadow grew over my sketchpad.  I turned to meet the broadly smiling Mr Foss. 

A Truly strange coincidence, I had recently completed the first of what had become my ‘ Signature Series’ of nose art panels. This included the Wildcat panel and the Thunderbolt panel replicating Col. Gabreski’s aircraft. They were commissioned by Mr. Ed Kaminski, the owner of the Military Art Gallery in Harper Woods Michigan, to be displayed at the  EAA Oshkosh Airventure show for Major Foss to sign.

We were both surprised to have met this way, as I had no idea that he lived in neighboring Scottsdale, Arizona. I must admit to being rather nervous speaking with such an accomplished, larger than life fighter ace.

At times, life has strange events… crossed paths or coincidence if you will. That afternoon’s conversation with Major Foss is one that I shall never forget. His kindness and willingness to share his experience and insight, left an indelible impression on a young artist.  All thanks to his curiosity in the young man sketching over by the aircraft that had made such an impression on him in his  own youth… The Wildcat.

Grumman F45-4 Wildcat

First in my Signature Series of nose art panels, was this panel representing  the plane flown by Major Joe Foss. This is panel one of three that were created.

In  honorable memory of Joe Foss